今夜你是否为我闪亮 city of stars 繁星之城 there's so much that i can't see 黑夜中还有多少隐藏 who knows? 谁能想到 i felt it from the first embrace i shared with you 当我第一次与你相拥 that now our dreams 我们的梦想 they've finally come true 渐渐紧握在手中 city of stars 繁星之城 just one thing everybody wants 人人都在追求一样珍宝 there in the bars 在城市的酒吧中 and through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants 穿越繁华的餐馆,看那烟幕缭绕 it's love 爱 yes,all we're looking for is love from someone else 要从我们命中注定的彼此中寻找 a rush 或擦肩而过 a glance 或回眸一笑 a touch 或十指紧扣 a dance 或翩翩起舞 to look in somebody's eyes 注视他(她)深情的双眸 to light up the skies 照亮他(她)生命的天空 to open the world and send them reeling 打开新的世界,迎接新的生活 a voice that says,i'll be here 在耳畔轻语,我若在此 and you'll be alright 你便安好 i don't care if i know 纵然不知前方的道路 just where i will go 我的内心也毫不在乎 cause all that i need's this crazy feeling 因为我只想抓住此刻的悸动 a rat-tat-tat on my heart 涌上心头 think i want it to stay 我不想轻易放手 city of stars 繁星之城 are you shining just for me? 今夜你是否为我闪亮 city of stars 繁星之城 you never shined so brightly 从前未见你如此光芒 第73章 等老太太一走,钟亦就开始严刑逼供查户口了。 “其实每次听大家喊你我都想问,‘阿也’这到底应该翻译成‘阿行’还是‘阿止’?” 但张行止再次无视了钟亦的疑惑:“你先吃,我去厨房把药拿来。” 钟亦就纳了闷了,这人别的不多,名字是真挺多,有什么好不可告人的,难道又是跟candy一个级别可爱的名字吗? 最后张行止是被钟亦缠得不行了,才终于松口说等晚上告诉他,想着要是能把钟亦旺盛的好奇心分给那帮孩子一半M.024LQt.COm