can improve the efficiency of work. 劳逸结合可以提高工作效率。 linda: finally the meeting ended. i'm so tired. 琳达:终于开完会了,好累啊。 lily: yeah, we have one day rest. shall we go somewhere to relax? 莉莉:是啊,正好我们有一天的休息时间,我们去个地方放松放松吧? linda: ok. do you have any place which is worth commending? 琳达:好啊,你有什么值得推荐的地方吗? lily: how about the palace museum?we can look for some creativities for our advertisement. 莉莉:我们去故宫怎么样?顺便可以为我们的广告找一些创意。 linda: all right. 琳达:好的。 lily: did you get the tickets? 莉莉:你买到票了吗? linda: yeah, they're pretty expensive. 琳达:买到了,好贵啊。 lily: well, this place is very popular, and it is the busy season. 莉莉:嗯,来故宫参观的人很多,而且现在还是旺季。 linda: all right. let's get in immediately. 琳达:不错,那我们赶紧进去吧。 lily: did the whole palace serve as the emperor's residence? 莉莉:这里整个宫殿都是皇帝的寝宫吗? linda: yes. 琳达:是啊。 lily: how extravagant! why are there so many yellow-colored ornaments? 莉莉:太奢华了!为什么有这么多黄色的装饰品呢? linda: because yellow was the official color of the imperial family in the past. 琳达:因为在过去黄色是皇室的象征。 lily: oh, seeing such a magnificent palace,a good advertising idea comes to my mind. we can put the subject of this advertising in a place like the imperial palace, and it's better to highlight the luxury of the products. 莉莉:哦,看到这么金碧辉煌的皇宫,我想到一个很好的广告创意。我们可以将这次广告的主题设在像皇宫那样的地方,这样更能凸显产品的奢华。 linda: it's a good idea. we can go and talk about the cooperation with the person in charge tomorrow. 琳达:这个创意很好,那我们明天就可以去和负责人谈谈关于合作的问题了。 notes 1. highlight [?hailait] v. 强调,突出,使显著,使醒目;用彩笔做标记,挑染;n. 最精彩的部分;挑染的头发 2. immediately [i?mi:di?tli] adv. 立即,马上,紧接地;conj. 一……就,即刻 3. extravagant [iks?tr?vig?nt] adj. 夸张的,奢侈的;无节制的,放肆的 4. ornament [:n?m?nt] v. 装饰,美化;n. 装饰品,点缀品;首饰 5. luxury [?l?kri] n. 奢侈品,奢侈的享受 6. in charge 掌管,看管,在……掌控下 小贴士 大英博物馆知道少? the brim.024Lqt.COm