ague to offer some advice about her report. 安娜正在为向公司汇报工作作准备。她想让同事给她的报告提一些建议。 anna: thanks for listening my presentation,sue. i really don't want it to be a dud. 安娜:谢谢你愿意听听我的报告,苏,我真的不想让公司失望。 sue: don't worry about that. you have a strong sense of humor, so i think your presentation must be lively and interesting. 苏:不必担心。你很有幽默感,所以我觉得你的报告一定会很生动有趣的。 anna: if it is boring and difficult to understand, all my preparation will be for nothing. can you give me some advice about my report? 安娜:如果我的报告枯燥乏味的话,我所有的准备都白费了。你能提一些意见吗? sue: it seems that you have prepared the report with great care, and your report is very impressive. 苏:看起来你已经很精心地准备了,你的报告确实很棒。 anna: does it need something extra to make it more lively or persuasive? 安娜:需要再加一些东西让我的报告更生动、更有说服力吗? sue: all you need is to keep confident and full of vitality. so all will be attracted and concentrate on your report. you have finished your report with carefulness and organization. i am sure you will get highly recognition. 苏:你现在需要的就是充满自信和活力。所有人都会被你的报告所吸引并认真听你的报告。你的报告准备得很精心,很有条理。我确信你会得到高度认可的。 anna: thank you for believing me. 安娜:谢谢你这么相信我。 notes 1. dud [d?d] n. 衣服;废物,无用的人或物;失败 2. lively ['laivli] adj. 活泼的;热烈的;逼真的,生动的 3. impressive [im'presiv] adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的;威严的 4. persuasive [p?'sweisiv] adj. 劝说的;劝诱的;有说服力的 5. vitality [vai't?liti] n. 活力;生命力;效力 小贴士 1. how's the exhibition going? 展览会准备得怎么样了? 2. you must report to your superior on your work regularly. 你必须定期向你的上级汇报工作。 3. i will report to our manager what we are doing at present. 我将向经理汇报我们现在正在进行的工作。 4. and you also need to summarize and report monthly sales situation. 你还需要总结并汇报每月销售情况。 5. can you tell me whom i should report to? 能告诉我该向谁汇报工作吗? 6. could we have your report tomorrow? 你能明天向我们汇报吗? 7. please make an investigation on his debrief. 请按照他的汇报做调查。 8. he always reports back on his work without day. 他总是不定期地汇报工作。M.024LqT.COM