th people from other cultures. 我的英语很熟练,并擅长与不同文化背景的人沟通。 满怀希望寻职缺 dialogue becky is making a phone call to shanghai launch company to inquire whether the position of sales assistant is available or not. 贝基正在给上海蓝旗公司打电话咨询销售助理一职是否还有空缺。 laura: hello. shanghai launch company. this is laura. how can i help you? 劳拉:你好,上海蓝旗公司。我是劳拉,请问有什么需要帮忙的吗? becky: hello. this is becky. i am calling for the sales assistant. i saw the information about the vacancy from online job websites. is it still open? 贝基:你好,我是贝基。我打电话是想咨询销售助理一职。我在招聘网站上看到了你们的招聘信息。这个职位还有空缺吗? laura: thank you for your interest. the position is still available. have you already sent your resume to us? 劳拉:感谢您对我们公司的关注。这个职位还在招聘。你投过简历了吗? becky: no, not yet. because i am not sure whether the position is still vacant or not. could you give me more information about the position requirement? 贝基:还没有,因为我不确定这个职位是否还有空缺。关于职位要求您能多提供一些信息吗? laura: of course. the interviewee must be good at communicating and have a sense of responsibility. the most important is that you must have a supple mind. if all these are not problems for you, i recommend you to mention them in your resume. 劳拉:当然可以。面试者必须要善于交流,有责任感。最重要的是必须要有灵活的头脑。如果这些对你来说没有问题,我建议你在简历中提到这些。 becky: okay. the experience in the student council as a minister will evidence my qualifications. besides i can get along well with my friends and college classmates. thanks for offering more information to me. i will send my resume soon. 贝基:好的。担任学生会部长的经历能证明我具备贵公司所要求的能力。此外我和朋友、大学同学相处得都很融洽。谢谢你为我提供更多信息。我很快就会把简历发过去的。 laura: you're welcome. goodbye. 劳拉:不客气,再见。 becky: goodbye. 贝基:再见。 notes 1. assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手,助理,助教 2. vacancy ['veik?nsi] n. 空地,空房;空缺,空职 3. available [?'veil?bl] adj. 可利用的;有空的;有效的 4. supple ['s?pl] adj. 适应性强的;灵活的;柔软的 5. minister ['minist?] n. 部长,大臣;外交使节;牧师 小贴士 1. could you help me figure out how to look M.024lqt.cOM